Yesterday the Arizona Senate passed a bill that will allow
businesses to blatantly discriminate against homosexual and transgender
individuals. The Republican House is expected to pass this bill today and
have it on Governor Jan Brewer's desk by the end of the day.
It's like a flashback to the 1960's, only instead of the signs saying "White" & "Colored" they will say "Straight" & "Queer".
According to the Center for Arizona Policy this law is
needed due to the "growing hostility toward religion". Gee, I
can't imagine why considering conservative religions are supporting
anti-abortion laws, fighting same gender marriage and a host of other policies that infringe upon the rights of Americans. According to Republican Senator Steve Yarborough this measure is "about preventing discrimination against people who are clearly living out their faith". Really?
Call me crazy, because I don't see anyone beating down the doors of religious institutions forcing people to let homosexual and transgender individuals into their places of worship. Nor do I see anyone persecuting Christians, more often it is the Christians who are doing the persecuting. Most religions encourage their congregants to love thy neighbor, not drive them away. I don't see organizations that support the homosexual & transgender communities refusing service to conservative religious members. Could it be because those organizations, religious or not, are actually doing a better job of living the word of God than those who profess to be his messengers?
Please explain to me how it is ok for you to infringe on my rights? No, on second thought, don't tell me because it will not make any sense. However, if you are the owner of a business, or know of a business that supports this invitation to discrimination, please, please, please let me know. I want to make sure you don't get any of my money and I'll be happy to share your company's name with everyone I know so you don't get their money either.