Thursday, February 20, 2025

Trump's Second Coup

Four years ago Donald Trump attempted a coup using violence and it failed. Now that he is once more in power, he appears to be attempting a coup from within. His partner, Elon Musk, who was not elected to any political position, and is one of the richest people in the world, has been given carte blanch access to everything and unlimited power. Musk now has access to YOUR Social Security number, YOUR tax records, basically any and all records the federal government has on you.

How does this impact you? Your SSN, income, investments, sexual identity, voting record, are no longer secure. Jobs are no longer secure. If you have student loans, grants, or work in the educational arena, you may lose your future loans, or even have your existing loans called due, lose grants and/or your job.
Members of the FBI are getting fired without legitimate cause. Thousands of employees across multiple agencies, who have less than one year of service, have received letters of termination. Employees with offers have had them rescind. All of this done by Musk.

Musk and his group of 20-somethings have fired the individuals responsible for handling and maintaining nuclear weapons. (Gee, why would we need them?) They have fired FAA employees, USDA employees working on the bird flu issues, all in the name of rooting out fraud & waste. Yet, no one bats an eye at the needless expense of Trump attending the Super Bowl, or his antics at the NASCAR race where he had the Beast and Air Force 1 doing laps.

Trump says employees who work from home aren't even working. Yet, he has spent 17 days on the golf course since he took office. While he is out play, Musk is tearing our country apart. Trump's insanely unqualified nominees for important positions are destroying the Dept of Education, Dept of Health & Welfare, Veteran's Affairs, and every other place they can get their hands on to.

Trump campaigned on ending inflation and bringing prices down. Inflation is increasing and they are cutting SNAP programs and Medicaid. Could Medicare & Social Security be far behind?

Pay attention people, Trump and Musk are running their own coup right before your very eyes.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Thoughts on Birth Right Citizenship and Trump’s Executive Order

Trump’s executive order, which he signed Monday states people born in the U.S. are not citizens if their “mother was unlawfully present in the United States and the father was not a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident at the time of said person’s birth,” or if the mother was in the U.S. on a “lawful but temporary” basis—like a student, tourist or work visa—and the father isn’t a citizen or “lawful permanent resident.”

It seems to me that the only way to enforce this would be to use DNA testing prior to or immediately following the birth.  Under both examples it is specifically states that the father is not a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident at the time of said person’s birth. So, foreign national in the US (legally or not) gives birth in the US. DNA tests identify the father as a citizen or permanent resident. If the father meets this standard, he should be forced to support said child until the age of 18 in order to maintain citizenship.  This obligation should be enforced by an organization of the federal government because it is the giver of citizenship.  Proven fathers who refuse to accept this obligation should be charged with child neglect and endangerment in Federal court.

If the father is not a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident at the time of said person’s birth, all three are sent back to their country of origin.

I am not saying I agree with this, only that it seems like the only way to legitimately apply the order as it is written.  Honestly, I think this whole thing is BS because no sitting president has the authority to override the Constitution.

Does anyone really believe this is going to make a significant change?  Sure, it should stop birth tourism which is really a small percentage of births. Otherwise noncitizen women will just become more selective about who they choose to have unprotected sex with.  

We all know that we have a national problem with unplanned and unwanted pregnancies and absentee fathers. With abortion all but illegal now in most states, this problem will explode.   Young people are often careless or uneducated about birth control.  Most of us know someone who now has a child or grandchild because proper precautions were not taken. Or someone who doesn’t have child or grandchild because abortion was an option.

Now, pretend that you are a female foreign national legally visiting the US. For whatever reason you are afraid to return to your native country.  What is your easiest option?  Find a willing partner, ditch the birth control, have sex until the desired outcome is achieved, pregnancy.  

Now, pretend you are the young male in the situation.  You don’t want a baby, not now, maybe in a few years but not now.  Abortion is no longer an option, so you are going to have a baby.  Because your baby momma is a foreign national, it won’t be so easy to walk away and say “sorry, not my problem” as it was when Mary Lou down the block got knocked up.

Educate your child and grandchildren about birth control and safe sex practices.