Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Good Old Days or Things I Miss and Things I Don't

How often to we hear people say "it used to be...." or "back then..." or some other variation of that sentiment? We miss the days when people picked up the telephone or stopped by the house instead of text messaging and email. Yet those things help bring us closer together with family and friends. Letters from generations past bring us comfort and sometimes knowledge of their lives. Is the art of letter writing gone with like the days of 45 records and 8 track tapes?

On the other hand, we have the convenience of paying our bills online, eliminating the tedium of writing checks, getting stamps and mailing them. Good for us, bad for the Post Office, but no, I don't miss that. As the world and technology continue to evolve, I watch as my life becomes more and more paperless. In almost every case, I embrace this change for many reasons, some personal, some ecological. Recently I had the pleasure of copying tons of documents for work, reminding me that one thing I don't miss about paper is paper cuts. Why is it that nothing hurts like a paper cut?

One thing I do miss, as much as I love my digital camera, there is a part of me that truly misses photographs that I can touch and feel.

Posted via email from BJ's posterous

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