The Economy
Almost daily I hear or see someone comment on the poor state of the economy. Often these comments are followed with one pertaining to President Obama's failure to turn everything around. In this time of instant gratification many of us have a difficult time with not getting what we want right now. Our economy is in a sad state, that is true, however, it didn't get there overnight and it won't be fixed overnight. It took the previous administration two terms to get us where we were when that administration finally ended.
Stop and think about it, let's say you have a decent job and modest savings when suddenly your spouse/partner goes on a spending spree. This partner spends all the cash on hand, empties your savings account and runs up all your credit cards. After you're in dept up to your eyeballs, this spouse/partner says "See ya!" and leaves you. Maybe this has happened to you or to someone you know, it happens frequently to every day people. It takes a long time to crawl out of this hole. How long usually depends on the depth of the whole you've been thrown into, but in any case, it doesn't happen in the blink of an eye.
Now, let's say you with your decent job and salary is our government and the spouse/partner is George W. Bush. Would it not stand to reason that it would take the current administration more than 2 years to climb out of the hole dug by the previous administration? Granted, things aren't getting better as quickly as we would all like but they are getting better. Don't lose hope, to borrow a favorite phrase from our former president "stay the course" and things will get better bit by bit.
Be Careful What You Wish For
Back in the day, when I was an adolescent in the 70's and easily embarrassed by the numerous TV ads for various feminine hygiene products, my peers and I often bemoaned the fact that boys didn't suffer the same embarrassment. After all, back then the only thing they occasionally advertised was a product called (if I remember correctly) Blue Star ointment, an anti-itching product which was recommended for, among other things jock itch. Hardly the equivalent to the bombardment of Stay Free, Kotex, FDS, and Summer's Eve commercials.
Now, fast forward 30 years. We are now watching TV on hundreds of channels via cable and satellite. We are even streaming satellite radio in our vehicles. We've gone from wired phones to cordless phones to cellular bag phones to smart phones. We've gone from handwriting to typewriters to word processors to computers to surfing the Internet. We have gone from being bombarded by commercials for feminine products to commercials for "E.D."
In case you didn't know, "E.D." is the polite way of saying erectile dysfunction, in other words the inability for a male to get it up. Nothing personal, guys, frankly I'm glad there is something out there to help you out if you need it but do I have to hear about it every 15 minutes? Is nothing private anymore? Back when I was a kid and bemoaned the injustice of all those feminine commercials, I had no idea what the future held. Be careful what you wish for, one never knows what will happen in 30 years.
Well said!