Thursday, September 3, 2009

Female Urination Devices

So, last night on the 10 o'clock news they had a piece on this product One of the comments in the piece was that other countries have been using FUDs for years. As a result, I decided to poke around a bit.

Of course there is the which has been around for a while, now there is also the P-mate, My Sweet-P, SheWee, Urifemme and several more. Who knew?

With so many to choose from, how is a girl to know which is the best? I wonder if Consumer Reports has considered doing a report on these. After all, wouldn't it be helpful to know which one is easiest to use, sturdier, less likely to leak, etc?

I can see where these would come in handy during camping or road trips, even at the doctor's office when you are kindly requested to pee in a cup. Maybe I'll have to try one of these before my next motorcycle trip. For the most part, our bio-breaks resulted in reasonably clean restrooms but a couple were, well, in sore need of cleaning.

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