The answer seems quite obvious to most people, the coolest thing possible, like maybe shorts. That's what I would wear, I'm betting that's what 80% of the people visiting the Grand Canyon in August wore. But wait! If you happen to be Michelle Obama, mother of two, on vacation with her children and husband, who just happens to be the President of the US, it seems that shorts are a huge faux pas.
I guess since I was traveling, I missed this HUGE event of national importance, the First Lady wore shorts in Arizona in August. God forbid! Not only that but some people think her shorts were too short! Really now, isn't that pretty petty?
When visiting the Grand Canyon in August, or anyplace in Arizona in August, most people are going to wear shorts. Face it, the days of women being covered neck to ankles is long behind us, even for the First Lady. Wear what you want, Michelle, you are the first First Lady who actually acts and dresses like someone the average Jane might run into at the PTA.
Those of you who have a problem with Michelle's shorts, get over it.
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