Monday, August 24, 2009

Trip Home Day 1 (aka I should have stayed in bed)

Some days you should just stay in bed and today started and ended that way. First off, yesterday Deb & I changed rooms at the hotel to share a room with Scuter after her other room mates left. Knowing that we were going to leave early we tried to get everything packed up before going to bed. That is when I realized that I couldn't find the ROK straps for my bag. I figured they had been left in the old room so I checked with the front desk to see if they had been turned in by housekeeping. They said that housekeeping wouldn't be in until 8 AM and they would check with them then.

This morning when I started packing, I couldn't find my new camera. Again I checked with the front desk and discovered that housekeeping had not come in yet. While we waited for breakfast in the hotel restaurant, which while decent was slow as Christmas, they did find out that housekeeping had found my camera, straps and a few other things. Yay!

We did almost 300 miles and took Highway 550 (aka OMG Highway). Amazing views and hair raising hairpin turns. Got cold going up to about 11,000 feet, then it rained, so we were cold and wet. Really an amazing trip but also very technically challenging.

By the time we hit Durango it was starting to get dark but our reservations were in Cortez so we pushed on another 50 or so miles. Chelli and Scuter had hauled butt because of a problem with her headlight, Jo followed them and we were bringing up the rear because we can't see well at night and were going a little slower. About 10 miles outside if Cortez my bike started surging periodically. Then it started bucking and jerking and spitting like it was running out of gas, but we had just filled up. After several stops along the side of the dark highway. we finally made it to Cortez. Scuter & Jo came to the gas station where we stopped so that they could cover me from traffic as I bucked and popped down the road.

Tomorrow we'll call MoTow.

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